Italian History
Latest page update: 19 November 2024
By Dion Protani
The subject of Italian History is far more worthy than a single page but we can at least attempt to condense it down into a series of key events with the barest of detail.
A series of timelines provide us with an overview of the main events that have shaped the country over the past three thousand years or so since the mainland was settled by the Proto-Villanovan civilisation in the Bronze Age. As the timelines progress we find more detail is added as we have a greater level of confidence in the facts that have been passed down by historians of different ages. |
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Italian Historical Timeline - The Key Events
1200 - 0 BC: Italy before Christ - from early settlers to the Roman Empire
1200 - 1000 BC - Proto-Villanovan civilisation - late Bronze Age, Central European tribes settle in Italy
900 - 700 BC - Early Etruscans
Eighth century BC - Magna Graecia period begins with Greek settlers in Southern Italy
753 BC - Rome founded by Romulus and Remus (legend)
733/734 BC - Corinthian Greeks establish Syracuse
509 BC - Rome becomes a republic after expulsion of last Etruscan king Tarquinius Superbus
474 BC Etruscans defeated at Battle of Cumae - naval battle won by Syracuse and Cumae
396 BC Battle of Veii - Romans conquer Etruscan city of Veii
390 BC - First sack of Rome by Senone Gauls - also known as the Battle of the Allia
264 –241 BC - First Punic War - eventual Roman victory against Carthage
218 - 201 BC Second Punic War - eventual Roman victory over Carthage
218 BC - Hannibal crosses the Alps
216 BC - Battle of Cannae - victory for Hannibal's Cartahginians
202 BC - Battle of Zama - Scipio Africanus defeats Hannibal
149 - 145 BC Third Punic War - eventual Roman victory over Carthage
145 BC - Carthage destroyed by Romans
133 BC - Roman conquests of Sardinia, Sicily, Corsica, Greece, Spain, North Africa and Asia Minor (Turkey)
50 BC - Caesar conquers Gaul after eight year struggle
49 BC Caesar crosses the Rubicon
46 BC Caesar given dictatorial powers
44 BC - Julius Caesar assassinated
27 BC - Octavian renamed Augustus and becomes first Roman Emperor - the Pax Romana age begins.
900 - 700 BC - Early Etruscans
Eighth century BC - Magna Graecia period begins with Greek settlers in Southern Italy
753 BC - Rome founded by Romulus and Remus (legend)
733/734 BC - Corinthian Greeks establish Syracuse
509 BC - Rome becomes a republic after expulsion of last Etruscan king Tarquinius Superbus
474 BC Etruscans defeated at Battle of Cumae - naval battle won by Syracuse and Cumae
396 BC Battle of Veii - Romans conquer Etruscan city of Veii
390 BC - First sack of Rome by Senone Gauls - also known as the Battle of the Allia
264 –241 BC - First Punic War - eventual Roman victory against Carthage
218 - 201 BC Second Punic War - eventual Roman victory over Carthage
218 BC - Hannibal crosses the Alps
216 BC - Battle of Cannae - victory for Hannibal's Cartahginians
202 BC - Battle of Zama - Scipio Africanus defeats Hannibal
149 - 145 BC Third Punic War - eventual Roman victory over Carthage
145 BC - Carthage destroyed by Romans
133 BC - Roman conquests of Sardinia, Sicily, Corsica, Greece, Spain, North Africa and Asia Minor (Turkey)
50 BC - Caesar conquers Gaul after eight year struggle
49 BC Caesar crosses the Rubicon
46 BC Caesar given dictatorial powers
44 BC - Julius Caesar assassinated
27 BC - Octavian renamed Augustus and becomes first Roman Emperor - the Pax Romana age begins.
1- 476 AD: from Pax Romana (the Golden Age of Rome) to the end of the Western Roman Empire
79 - Pompeii and Herculaneum destroyed by eruption of Vesuvius
180 Emperor Marcus Aurelius death marks the end of the Pax Romana and starts the decline and eventual fall of the Roman Empire
286 - Mediolanum (Milan) named capital of Western Roman Empire
303 - Diocletianic Persecution of Christians
313 - Edict of Milan: Christians free to worship
330 - Constantinople named new capital of the Roman Empire
402 - Ravenna becomes capital of Western Roman Empire
410 - Second sack of Rome by Visigoths and King Alaric
476 - Fall of the Western Roman Empire - Barbarian king Odoacer deposes last Roman Emperor Augustus Romulus
79 - Pompeii and Herculaneum destroyed by eruption of Vesuvius
180 Emperor Marcus Aurelius death marks the end of the Pax Romana and starts the decline and eventual fall of the Roman Empire
286 - Mediolanum (Milan) named capital of Western Roman Empire
303 - Diocletianic Persecution of Christians
313 - Edict of Milan: Christians free to worship
330 - Constantinople named new capital of the Roman Empire
402 - Ravenna becomes capital of Western Roman Empire
410 - Second sack of Rome by Visigoths and King Alaric
476 - Fall of the Western Roman Empire - Barbarian king Odoacer deposes last Roman Emperor Augustus Romulus
500 - 1000: The first half of the medieval period in Italy - Byzantines, Lombards, Papal States and Charlemagne
568 - Lombards migrate south to Italy, creating the Lombard Kingdom which dominates the peninsula. Pavia becomes Lombard capital
751 - Exarchate of Ravenna (under Byzantine rule) falls to Lombards
756 - Donation of Pepin: Papal States established
774 - Charlemagne's Franks defeat Lombards at the Battle of Pavia
800 - Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III in Aachen, Germany
800 - 888 - Carolingian Empire
827 - 902 Muslim conquest of Sicily
751 - Exarchate of Ravenna (under Byzantine rule) falls to Lombards
756 - Donation of Pepin: Papal States established
774 - Charlemagne's Franks defeat Lombards at the Battle of Pavia
800 - Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III in Aachen, Germany
800 - 888 - Carolingian Empire
827 - 902 Muslim conquest of Sicily
1000 - 1250: Italian City States, Normans invade southern Italy, Guelphs and Ghibellines, Sack of Constantinople
999 - 1139 - Norman conquest of Southern italy
1076 - Road to Canossa: Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV submits power to Pope Gregory VII
1088 - Bologna University founded - oldest continuously open university in the world
1130 - Norman Roger II crowned King of Sicily
1125 - 1186 - Guelphs (followers of the Pope) clash with Ghibellines (followers of the Holy Roman Emperor)
1167 - Lombard League of Northern Italian city states form an alliance to counter the power of the Holy Roman Emperor
1176 - Lombard League defeat Holy Roman Empire at Battle of Legnano
1186 - Peace of Constance ends struggles between Guelphs and Ghibellines
1204 - Venetians and Crusaders sack Constantinople
1216 - 1392 - Further clashes between Guelphs and Ghibellines
1228 - Frederick II excommunicated by pope
1076 - Road to Canossa: Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV submits power to Pope Gregory VII
1088 - Bologna University founded - oldest continuously open university in the world
1130 - Norman Roger II crowned King of Sicily
1125 - 1186 - Guelphs (followers of the Pope) clash with Ghibellines (followers of the Holy Roman Emperor)
1167 - Lombard League of Northern Italian city states form an alliance to counter the power of the Holy Roman Emperor
1176 - Lombard League defeat Holy Roman Empire at Battle of Legnano
1186 - Peace of Constance ends struggles between Guelphs and Ghibellines
1204 - Venetians and Crusaders sack Constantinople
1216 - 1392 - Further clashes between Guelphs and Ghibellines
1228 - Frederick II excommunicated by pope
1250 - 1500: Angevins, discovery, disease, maritime republics, the Medici and the Renaissance
1266 - First Angevin king, Charles of Anjou crowned King of Sicily
1271 - Marco Polo embarks on voyage of discovery to Asia
1282 - Sicilian Vespers: Sicilians overthrow Angevins in revolt
1309–1376 - Avignon Papacy: popes live in Avignon having abandoned Rome
1348 - Black Death devastates Florence
1378 - 1417 - Papal Schism: rival popes battle for recognition
1380 - Battle of Chioggia: Venetian republic defeats Genoa in decisive naval battle
1434 - Cosimo de Medici takes power in Florence
1436 - Brunelleschi's Dome completed on Florence Cathedral
1442 - Alfonso V of Aragon conquers Naples
1469–1492 - Lorenzo de’ Medici (Lorenzo the Magnificent) rules Florence
1472 - Dante's Divine Comedy published
1271 - Marco Polo embarks on voyage of discovery to Asia
1282 - Sicilian Vespers: Sicilians overthrow Angevins in revolt
1309–1376 - Avignon Papacy: popes live in Avignon having abandoned Rome
1348 - Black Death devastates Florence
1378 - 1417 - Papal Schism: rival popes battle for recognition
1380 - Battle of Chioggia: Venetian republic defeats Genoa in decisive naval battle
1434 - Cosimo de Medici takes power in Florence
1436 - Brunelleschi's Dome completed on Florence Cathedral
1442 - Alfonso V of Aragon conquers Naples
1469–1492 - Lorenzo de’ Medici (Lorenzo the Magnificent) rules Florence
1472 - Dante's Divine Comedy published
1500 - 1700: Italian Wars, Spanish control
1494 - 1559 - The Italian Wars: series of politically-motivated conflicts on the Italian Peninsula
1525 - Battle of Pavia: Habsburgs defeat and capture Francis I of France
1527 - Sack of Rome by Charles V Holy Roman Emperor
1559 - Treaty of Cateau Cambresis ends 65 year struggle for control of Italy between Spain and France. Spain now the dominant force
1571 - Battle of Lepanto: Holy League defeat Ottoman Empire in major naval battle off Greek coast
1582 - Gregorian calendar introduced
1633 - Galileo put under house arrest for claiming the earth orbits the sun
1693 - Earthquake in Sicily causes 60,000 deaths
1525 - Battle of Pavia: Habsburgs defeat and capture Francis I of France
1527 - Sack of Rome by Charles V Holy Roman Emperor
1559 - Treaty of Cateau Cambresis ends 65 year struggle for control of Italy between Spain and France. Spain now the dominant force
1571 - Battle of Lepanto: Holy League defeat Ottoman Empire in major naval battle off Greek coast
1582 - Gregorian calendar introduced
1633 - Galileo put under house arrest for claiming the earth orbits the sun
1693 - Earthquake in Sicily causes 60,000 deaths
1700 - 1870: Austrian Rule to Italian Unification (Risorgimento)
1701–1714 - War of the Spanish Succession: series of worldwide conflicts and battles
1714 - End of the Spanish War of Succession: complicated political consequences and reallocation of territories
1740 - 1796 Austrian rule in Italy
1796 - Napoleon invades Italy
1805 - Napoleon King of Kingdom of Italy
1814 - Napoleon abdicates thrones of France and Italy
1815 - Congress of Vienna: wide-ranging political consequences and Venice ceded to Austrian rule
1848 - Uprisings against Austrian rule eventually put down
1852 - Camillo Cavour becomes Prime Minister of Piedmont-Sardinia
1860 - Expedition of the Thousand: Garibaldi's troops land in Sicily and Kingdom of Two Sicilies falls
1861 - Victor Emmanuel II crowned King of Italy
1870 - Rome eventually confirmed as capital of Italy
1714 - End of the Spanish War of Succession: complicated political consequences and reallocation of territories
1740 - 1796 Austrian rule in Italy
1796 - Napoleon invades Italy
1805 - Napoleon King of Kingdom of Italy
1814 - Napoleon abdicates thrones of France and Italy
1815 - Congress of Vienna: wide-ranging political consequences and Venice ceded to Austrian rule
1848 - Uprisings against Austrian rule eventually put down
1852 - Camillo Cavour becomes Prime Minister of Piedmont-Sardinia
1860 - Expedition of the Thousand: Garibaldi's troops land in Sicily and Kingdom of Two Sicilies falls
1861 - Victor Emmanuel II crowned King of Italy
1870 - Rome eventually confirmed as capital of Italy
1882 - 1945: All roads lead to war
1882 - Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy form Triple Alliance
1908 - Messina and Reggio Calabria hit by tsunami and earthquake
1915 - Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary and allies with Britain, France and Russia
1922 - Benito Mussolini forms Fascist government
1935 - Italy invades Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
1940 - Italy allies with Axis Powers and enters World War Two on the side of Nazi Germany
1943 - Allied landings in Sicily
1944 - Rome liberated by Allied forces
1945 - Mussolini executed in public by partisans
1908 - Messina and Reggio Calabria hit by tsunami and earthquake
1915 - Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary and allies with Britain, France and Russia
1922 - Benito Mussolini forms Fascist government
1935 - Italy invades Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
1940 - Italy allies with Axis Powers and enters World War Two on the side of Nazi Germany
1943 - Allied landings in Sicily
1944 - Rome liberated by Allied forces
1945 - Mussolini executed in public by partisans
1946 - 2000: from Post War Italy to the Millennium
1946 - Italian Institutional Referendum confirms Italy a Republic
1957 - Treaty of Rome establishes European Economic Community and includes Italy
1960 - Olympic Games take place in Rome
1966 - Great Venetian Flood and Flood of the Arno in Florence
1969 - Terrorist attack in Milan kills 17 in Piazza Fontana
1978 - Politician Aldo Moro kidnapped and killed by far-left group the Red Brigades
1980 - Irpinia Earthquake strikes Campania with almost 2,500 casualties
1980 - Suspected Neo-Fascist terrorists bomb Bologna train station. Bologna Massacre claims lives of 85 victims
1990 - Italia 90: World Cup takes place in Italy. Germany win the trophy
1992 - Anti-Mafia judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino assassinated by Sicilian Mafia
1994 - Media mogul Silvio Berlusconi becomes Prime Minister of Italy for the first time
1957 - Treaty of Rome establishes European Economic Community and includes Italy
1960 - Olympic Games take place in Rome
1966 - Great Venetian Flood and Flood of the Arno in Florence
1969 - Terrorist attack in Milan kills 17 in Piazza Fontana
1978 - Politician Aldo Moro kidnapped and killed by far-left group the Red Brigades
1980 - Irpinia Earthquake strikes Campania with almost 2,500 casualties
1980 - Suspected Neo-Fascist terrorists bomb Bologna train station. Bologna Massacre claims lives of 85 victims
1990 - Italia 90: World Cup takes place in Italy. Germany win the trophy
1992 - Anti-Mafia judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino assassinated by Sicilian Mafia
1994 - Media mogul Silvio Berlusconi becomes Prime Minister of Italy for the first time
2000 - Present: Twenty first century Italy
2001 - Silvio Berlusconi begins second spell as Prime Minister of Italy
2002 - The Euro replaces the Lira as the official currency of Italy
2006 - Italy win the football World Cup in Germany
2008 - Silvio Berlusconi takes role as Prime Minister of Italy for the third time
2009 - Earthquake destroys the city of l'Aquila in Abruzzo and causes extensive damage in the surrounding area
2020 - Coronavirus Pandemic hits Italy hard and spreads to other European countries
2002 - The Euro replaces the Lira as the official currency of Italy
2006 - Italy win the football World Cup in Germany
2008 - Silvio Berlusconi takes role as Prime Minister of Italy for the third time
2009 - Earthquake destroys the city of l'Aquila in Abruzzo and causes extensive damage in the surrounding area
2020 - Coronavirus Pandemic hits Italy hard and spreads to other European countries
Key Periods of Italian History - individual timelines
Prehistoric Italy - from the Neanderthals to the Iron Age
Neanderthals: Around 40,000 years ago
Paleolithic (Old Stone Age): 2.5 million years ago to around 10,000 BC
Neolithic (New Stone Age): 6000 BC to 2300 BC
Bronze Age: 2300 BC to 900 BC
Iron Age: 900 BC to 700 BC
Paleolithic (Old Stone Age): 2.5 million years ago to around 10,000 BC
Neolithic (New Stone Age): 6000 BC to 2300 BC
Bronze Age: 2300 BC to 900 BC
Iron Age: 900 BC to 700 BC
Antiquity: 8th C BC to 600 AD Timeline
Etruscans: From 9th c BC to 2nd c BC
Twelve City States: changed regularly and there were many
Originally around Umbria, Lazio and Tuscany but expanded to Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Marche, Campania and Lombardy
Greeks in the south (Magna Grecia) were rivals
Eventually destroyed by Rome
Copper and iron mining
9th c BC Vulci founded
9th c BC Tarquinia founded
8th - 7th c BC Veii founded: later becomes richest city of the Etruscan league
600 bc (roughly) Tuscania founded
750 - 500 BC Expansion south to Rome and Capua, north to Mantua
616 - 579 Lucius Tarquinius Priscus Etruscan King of Rome
578 - 535 Servius Tullius Etruscan King of Rome
535 - 510/509 Lucius Tarquinius Superbus Etruscan King of Rome
509 BC Romans eject Etruscan kings and becomes Republic
474 BC Battle of Cumae: Greek (Magna Grecia) cities of Syracuse and Cumae defeat Etruscans in naval battle
396 BC Romans conquer Veii
280 BC Roman conquest of Etruscan northern Lazio
265 BC Volsinni
Twelve City States: changed regularly and there were many
Originally around Umbria, Lazio and Tuscany but expanded to Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Marche, Campania and Lombardy
Greeks in the south (Magna Grecia) were rivals
Eventually destroyed by Rome
Copper and iron mining
9th c BC Vulci founded
9th c BC Tarquinia founded
8th - 7th c BC Veii founded: later becomes richest city of the Etruscan league
600 bc (roughly) Tuscania founded
750 - 500 BC Expansion south to Rome and Capua, north to Mantua
616 - 579 Lucius Tarquinius Priscus Etruscan King of Rome
578 - 535 Servius Tullius Etruscan King of Rome
535 - 510/509 Lucius Tarquinius Superbus Etruscan King of Rome
509 BC Romans eject Etruscan kings and becomes Republic
474 BC Battle of Cumae: Greek (Magna Grecia) cities of Syracuse and Cumae defeat Etruscans in naval battle
396 BC Romans conquer Veii
280 BC Roman conquest of Etruscan northern Lazio
265 BC Volsinni
Magna Graecia: From 750 BC to 3rd century BC
Magna Graecia was the name given by the Romans to the coastal areas of Southern Italy in the present-day regions of Campania, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily.
Samnites - tribes from Samnium: an apennine region from Benevento north to Abruzzo and the Adriatic coast
In 8th and 7th centuries bc, Greeks began to settle in Southern Italy.
8th century BC Cumae founded by Euobeans
8th century BC Taranto founded by Spartans
743 or 730 BC Reggio Calabria founded
736 BC Syracuse founded
735 BC Naxos founded
734 BC (roughly) Taormina founded
720 BC Sybaris founded by Achaean and Troezenian settlers
710 BC Crotone founded
700 to 690 BC Metaponto founded
688 BC Gela founded
628 BC Selinunte founded
600 BC (roughly) Paestum founded
582 - 580 Agrigento founded
6th century BC Naples founded: important city of Magna Graecia
6th century BC Segesta founded: important city of Magna Graecia
530 BC Pythagoras travels to Crotone
510 - 509 Sybaris subjugated by Crotone
494 - 434 BC Empedocles: philosopher
474 BC Battle of Cumae: Greek cities of Syracuse and Cumae defeat Etruscans in naval battle
470s BC Aesychlus travels to Sicily: Greek tragedian, "the father of tragedy"
445 BC Sybaris abandoned
343 - 341 First Samnite War: Rome rescues Capua from a Samnite attack
327 BC Naples absorbed into Roman Republic
326 - 304 BC Second Samnite War: Rome intervenes into politics of Naples
298 to 290 BC Third Samnite War: result, Roman control over much of central Italy and part of southern Italy (the modern regions of Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise, Campania and Basilicata and Northern Puglia
287 - 212 Archimedes: mathematician and made war machines for Syracuse to defend against Romans
280 BC to 275 BC Pyrrhic War - Roman victory after Taranto defended by Greeks against Romans
272 Taranto falls to Romans
250 BC (roughly) Selinunte abandoned
212 Syracuse falls to Romans
Magna Graecia was the name given by the Romans to the coastal areas of Southern Italy in the present-day regions of Campania, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily.
Samnites - tribes from Samnium: an apennine region from Benevento north to Abruzzo and the Adriatic coast
In 8th and 7th centuries bc, Greeks began to settle in Southern Italy.
8th century BC Cumae founded by Euobeans
8th century BC Taranto founded by Spartans
743 or 730 BC Reggio Calabria founded
736 BC Syracuse founded
735 BC Naxos founded
734 BC (roughly) Taormina founded
720 BC Sybaris founded by Achaean and Troezenian settlers
710 BC Crotone founded
700 to 690 BC Metaponto founded
688 BC Gela founded
628 BC Selinunte founded
600 BC (roughly) Paestum founded
582 - 580 Agrigento founded
6th century BC Naples founded: important city of Magna Graecia
6th century BC Segesta founded: important city of Magna Graecia
530 BC Pythagoras travels to Crotone
510 - 509 Sybaris subjugated by Crotone
494 - 434 BC Empedocles: philosopher
474 BC Battle of Cumae: Greek cities of Syracuse and Cumae defeat Etruscans in naval battle
470s BC Aesychlus travels to Sicily: Greek tragedian, "the father of tragedy"
445 BC Sybaris abandoned
343 - 341 First Samnite War: Rome rescues Capua from a Samnite attack
327 BC Naples absorbed into Roman Republic
326 - 304 BC Second Samnite War: Rome intervenes into politics of Naples
298 to 290 BC Third Samnite War: result, Roman control over much of central Italy and part of southern Italy (the modern regions of Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise, Campania and Basilicata and Northern Puglia
287 - 212 Archimedes: mathematician and made war machines for Syracuse to defend against Romans
280 BC to 275 BC Pyrrhic War - Roman victory after Taranto defended by Greeks against Romans
272 Taranto falls to Romans
250 BC (roughly) Selinunte abandoned
212 Syracuse falls to Romans
Romans: 753 BC - 476 AD
753 BC Romulus founds Rome
753 - 716 BC Romulus first of Seven Kings of Rome
715 - 673 BC Numa Pompilius King of Rome
673 - 642 Tullus Hostilius King of Rome
642 - 617 Ancus Marcius King of Rome
616 - 579 Lucius Tarquinius Priscus (Etruscan) King of Rome
578 - 535 Servius Tullius (Etruscan) King of Rome
535 - 510/509 Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Etruscan) last of Seven Kings of Rome
509 BC Romans eject Etruscan kings and becomes Republic
509 BC to 27 BC - Roman Republic
396 BC Romans conquer Veii
390 BC Rome sacked by Gauls
378 BC Servian Wall built
280 BC Roman conquest of Etruscan northern Lazio
280 BC to 275 BC Pyrrhic War - Roman victory after Taranto defended by Greeks against Romans
264 BC to 241 BC First Punic War
218 BC to 201 BC Second Punic War
218 BC Hannibal Crosses the Alps
216 BC Battle of Cannae
149 BC to 146 BC Third Punic War
146 BC Carthage razed by Rome
146 BC Battle of Corinth - Rome annihilates Corinth and now controls Greece
133 BC Rome gains control of Sardinia, Sicily, Corsica, mainland Greece, Spain, most of North Africa and part of Asia Minor
78 BC Sulla dies
73 BC Spartacus Revolt
60 BC First Triumvirate Caesar, Crassus and Pompey
59 BC to 51 BC Caesar campaigns against Spain
49 BC Caesar crosses Rubicon
48 & 46 BC Caesar assumes dictatorial powers
44 BC Caesar assassinated
43 BC Second Triumvirate of Octavian, Mark Anthony and Lepidus
31 BC Battle of Actium - Octavian defeats Mark Anthony
30 BC Octavian invades Egypt. Anthony and Cleopatra suicide
27 BC Octavian becomes 1st Emperor
27 BC to 476 AD Roman Empire
27 BC to 14 AD Augustus Emperor
14 AD to 37 AD Tiberius Emperor
37 to 41 AD Caligula Emperor
41 to 54 AD Claudius Emperor
54 to 68 AD Nero Emperor
64 AD Great Fire of Rome
69 - 79 Vespasian Emperor
79 - 81 Titus Emperor
79 AD Vesuvius erupts
80 AD The Colosseum built
81 - 96 Domitian Emperor (last of the three Flavian emperors)
96 AD The golden age of the Romans, the Pax Romana, lasted from AD 96 to 180
Century of the Antonines (Antonines were the following five emperors of the dynasty)
96 - 98 Nerva Emperor
98 - 117 Trajan Emperor - builds many public works and expands empire
117 - 138 Hadrian Emperor
138 - 161 Antonius Pius Emperor
161 - 180 Marcus Aurelius co emperor (along with Lucius Verrus first then Commudus)
180 Reign of Marcus Aurelius ends and marks beginning of the eventual fall of the empire
270 - 275 Aurelian emperor
284 - 305 Diocletian emperor (persecuted christians)
306 - 337 Constantine emperor
313 Edict of Milan - Constantine
330 Eastern Roman Empire founded by Constantine
395 Empire is split in two; Western Roman Empire ruled from Rome
410 Sack of Rome - Visigoths, King Alaric
455 Sack of Rome by the Vandals
455 Valentinian III Assasinated
402 - 476 Ravenna Capital of Western Roman Empire
476 Roman Empire ends at Battle of Ravenna
753 BC Romulus founds Rome
753 - 716 BC Romulus first of Seven Kings of Rome
715 - 673 BC Numa Pompilius King of Rome
673 - 642 Tullus Hostilius King of Rome
642 - 617 Ancus Marcius King of Rome
616 - 579 Lucius Tarquinius Priscus (Etruscan) King of Rome
578 - 535 Servius Tullius (Etruscan) King of Rome
535 - 510/509 Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Etruscan) last of Seven Kings of Rome
509 BC Romans eject Etruscan kings and becomes Republic
509 BC to 27 BC - Roman Republic
396 BC Romans conquer Veii
390 BC Rome sacked by Gauls
378 BC Servian Wall built
280 BC Roman conquest of Etruscan northern Lazio
280 BC to 275 BC Pyrrhic War - Roman victory after Taranto defended by Greeks against Romans
264 BC to 241 BC First Punic War
218 BC to 201 BC Second Punic War
218 BC Hannibal Crosses the Alps
216 BC Battle of Cannae
149 BC to 146 BC Third Punic War
146 BC Carthage razed by Rome
146 BC Battle of Corinth - Rome annihilates Corinth and now controls Greece
133 BC Rome gains control of Sardinia, Sicily, Corsica, mainland Greece, Spain, most of North Africa and part of Asia Minor
78 BC Sulla dies
73 BC Spartacus Revolt
60 BC First Triumvirate Caesar, Crassus and Pompey
59 BC to 51 BC Caesar campaigns against Spain
49 BC Caesar crosses Rubicon
48 & 46 BC Caesar assumes dictatorial powers
44 BC Caesar assassinated
43 BC Second Triumvirate of Octavian, Mark Anthony and Lepidus
31 BC Battle of Actium - Octavian defeats Mark Anthony
30 BC Octavian invades Egypt. Anthony and Cleopatra suicide
27 BC Octavian becomes 1st Emperor
27 BC to 476 AD Roman Empire
27 BC to 14 AD Augustus Emperor
14 AD to 37 AD Tiberius Emperor
37 to 41 AD Caligula Emperor
41 to 54 AD Claudius Emperor
54 to 68 AD Nero Emperor
64 AD Great Fire of Rome
69 - 79 Vespasian Emperor
79 - 81 Titus Emperor
79 AD Vesuvius erupts
80 AD The Colosseum built
81 - 96 Domitian Emperor (last of the three Flavian emperors)
96 AD The golden age of the Romans, the Pax Romana, lasted from AD 96 to 180
Century of the Antonines (Antonines were the following five emperors of the dynasty)
96 - 98 Nerva Emperor
98 - 117 Trajan Emperor - builds many public works and expands empire
117 - 138 Hadrian Emperor
138 - 161 Antonius Pius Emperor
161 - 180 Marcus Aurelius co emperor (along with Lucius Verrus first then Commudus)
180 Reign of Marcus Aurelius ends and marks beginning of the eventual fall of the empire
270 - 275 Aurelian emperor
284 - 305 Diocletian emperor (persecuted christians)
306 - 337 Constantine emperor
313 Edict of Milan - Constantine
330 Eastern Roman Empire founded by Constantine
395 Empire is split in two; Western Roman Empire ruled from Rome
410 Sack of Rome - Visigoths, King Alaric
455 Sack of Rome by the Vandals
455 Valentinian III Assasinated
402 - 476 Ravenna Capital of Western Roman Empire
476 Roman Empire ends at Battle of Ravenna
Medieval Italy: 500 to 1500 AD Timeline
Medieval Rome: from 476 to 1420
476 Odoacer proclaims himself king of rome
536 Duchy of Rome founded by Justinian
546 Ostrogoths sack Rome
546 - 552 Ostrogoths and Byzantines dispute control
552 to 772 Byzantines rule
751 Papal States founded
772 The Lombards briefly conquer Rome but Charlemagne liberates the city a year later.
800 Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor in St Peter's, Rome
962 Otto I crowned Holy Roman Emperor
1084 Normans Sack Rome
1144 Creation of the Commune of Rome
1167 Battle of Monteporzio: Commune of Rome defeated by Holy Roman Empire (Frederick I Barbarossa)
1204 Rome supports Ghibellines (Holy Roman Empire)
1263 Charles of Anjou elected Senator
1303 University of Rome founded
1309 Holy See moved to Avignon
1347 Cola proclaims himself tribune
1377 Holy See reinstated in Rome
476 Odoacer proclaims himself king of rome
536 Duchy of Rome founded by Justinian
546 Ostrogoths sack Rome
546 - 552 Ostrogoths and Byzantines dispute control
552 to 772 Byzantines rule
751 Papal States founded
772 The Lombards briefly conquer Rome but Charlemagne liberates the city a year later.
800 Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor in St Peter's, Rome
962 Otto I crowned Holy Roman Emperor
1084 Normans Sack Rome
1144 Creation of the Commune of Rome
1167 Battle of Monteporzio: Commune of Rome defeated by Holy Roman Empire (Frederick I Barbarossa)
1204 Rome supports Ghibellines (Holy Roman Empire)
1263 Charles of Anjou elected Senator
1303 University of Rome founded
1309 Holy See moved to Avignon
1347 Cola proclaims himself tribune
1377 Holy See reinstated in Rome
Renaissance Italy: 1300 - 1600 Timeline
Renaissance: 14th - 17th c, painting, sculpture, architecture
1238 Borghese family established
1255 - 1319 Duccio (Siena)
1265 - 1321 Dante (Florence)
1267 - 1337 Giotto (Padova and Florence)
1304 - 1374 Petrarch (Arezzo)
1313 - 1375 Boccaccio (Certaldo)
1321 Dante writes the divine comedy
1348 black death, florence bady hit
1377 - 1466 - Brunelleschi (Florence)
1378 - 1455 Ghiberti (Florence)
1386 - 1466 Donatello (Florence, Rome, Prato, Venice, Padova)
1389 - 1464 Cosimo de Medici
1395 - 1455 Fra Angelico (Florence, Rome)
1397 - 1499 Medici Bank
1397 - 1495 Paolo Uccello (Florence)
1401 - 1428 Masaccio (Florence, Pisa)
1406 - 1469 Filippo Lippi (Florence, Rome, Prato)
1445 - 1510 Botticelli (Florence)
1452 - 1519 Leonardo da Vinci (Florence, Rome, Bologna, Venice)
1475 - 1564 Michelangelo (Florence and Rome)
1483 - 1520 Raphael (Rome)
1527 The Landsknechts (imperial troops of Charles V Holy Roman Emperor) sack Rome.
1564 - 1642 Galileo Galilei (Pisa)
1571 - 1610 Caravaggio (Mainly Rome)
1238 Borghese family established
1255 - 1319 Duccio (Siena)
1265 - 1321 Dante (Florence)
1267 - 1337 Giotto (Padova and Florence)
1304 - 1374 Petrarch (Arezzo)
1313 - 1375 Boccaccio (Certaldo)
1321 Dante writes the divine comedy
1348 black death, florence bady hit
1377 - 1466 - Brunelleschi (Florence)
1378 - 1455 Ghiberti (Florence)
1386 - 1466 Donatello (Florence, Rome, Prato, Venice, Padova)
1389 - 1464 Cosimo de Medici
1395 - 1455 Fra Angelico (Florence, Rome)
1397 - 1499 Medici Bank
1397 - 1495 Paolo Uccello (Florence)
1401 - 1428 Masaccio (Florence, Pisa)
1406 - 1469 Filippo Lippi (Florence, Rome, Prato)
1445 - 1510 Botticelli (Florence)
1452 - 1519 Leonardo da Vinci (Florence, Rome, Bologna, Venice)
1475 - 1564 Michelangelo (Florence and Rome)
1483 - 1520 Raphael (Rome)
1527 The Landsknechts (imperial troops of Charles V Holy Roman Emperor) sack Rome.
1564 - 1642 Galileo Galilei (Pisa)
1571 - 1610 Caravaggio (Mainly Rome)
Renaissance Rome: from 1447 to 1605
Latter half of 15th century, Rome becomes centre of Italian Renaisance with big building programme. Papacy wanted to surpass grandeur of othe rItalian cities. Built new St Peter's Basiica, Sistine Chapel, Ponte Sisto and Piazza Navona.
The Popes were also patrons of the arts engaging such artists as Michelangelo, Perugino, Raphael, Ghirlandaio, Luca Signorelli, Botticelli, and Cosimo Rosselli.
12th C Orsini family established
1101 Colonna family founded
1419 Farnese family established
1447 Renaissance starts in Rome -
1452 - Frederick III Crowned Holy Roman Emperor
1455 House of Borgia founded
1471 - 1484 Pope Sixtus IV (Della Rovere noble family)
1483 - 1520 Raphael
1484 - 1492 Pope Innocent VIII (Pamphili noble family)
1511 Papal Bull to stop family feud between Orsini and Colonna families
1527 The Landsknechts (imperial troops of Charles V Holy Roman Emperor) sack Rome.
1592 - 1605 Pope Clement VIII (Aldobrandini noble family)
Latter half of 15th century, Rome becomes centre of Italian Renaisance with big building programme. Papacy wanted to surpass grandeur of othe rItalian cities. Built new St Peter's Basiica, Sistine Chapel, Ponte Sisto and Piazza Navona.
The Popes were also patrons of the arts engaging such artists as Michelangelo, Perugino, Raphael, Ghirlandaio, Luca Signorelli, Botticelli, and Cosimo Rosselli.
12th C Orsini family established
1101 Colonna family founded
1419 Farnese family established
1447 Renaissance starts in Rome -
1452 - Frederick III Crowned Holy Roman Emperor
1455 House of Borgia founded
1471 - 1484 Pope Sixtus IV (Della Rovere noble family)
1483 - 1520 Raphael
1484 - 1492 Pope Innocent VIII (Pamphili noble family)
1511 Papal Bull to stop family feud between Orsini and Colonna families
1527 The Landsknechts (imperial troops of Charles V Holy Roman Emperor) sack Rome.
1592 - 1605 Pope Clement VIII (Aldobrandini noble family)
Baroque Period: from 1600 to 1750 Timeline
1762 Trevi Fountain completed
1792 Spanish Steps completed
1762 Trevi Fountain completed
1792 Spanish Steps completed
Austrian Rule: 1740 - 1796: Northern Italy, Naples and Sardinia Timeline
Napoleonic Italy: from 1796 - 1814 Timeline
1796 Napoleon invades Italy
1797 Venetian Republic ends by Napoleon
1805 Kingdom of Italy
1805 Napoleon crowned king of Italy
1806 Napoleon takes Kingdom of Naples
1796 Napoleon invades Italy
1797 Venetian Republic ends by Napoleon
1805 Kingdom of Italy
1805 Napoleon crowned king of Italy
1806 Napoleon takes Kingdom of Naples
1814 - 1815 Congress of Vienna - Italy redefined
Austria controls Lombardy-Venetia including milan and venice
Franco Austrian War 1859-1861/Second War of Italian Independence
Austria controls Lombardy-Venetia including milan and venice
Franco Austrian War 1859-1861/Second War of Italian Independence
Risorgimento: 1848 - 1871 Timeline
1848 Patriots rise up against Austrians, Bourbons and Pope
1852 Cavour becomes PM of Piedmont
1859 Second Italian War of Independence: French Sardinian victory over Austria. Sardinia annexes Lombardy, Tuscany and Emilia. France gains Nice and Savoy
1859 Battle of Magenta and Battle of Solferino: both French/Sardinian victories over Austria
1860 Garibaldi and the Thousand arrive in Sicily, subsequently conquering island
1860 Garibaldi occupies Naples
1860 Cavour annexes Papal States with Piemontese army
1861 Italy unified as Kingdom of Italy (apart from Venice and Rome)
1861 Cavour dies
1861 - 1865 - Turin Capital of Italy
1862 Garibaldi unsuccessfully marches on Rome
1865 - 1871 - Florence Capital of Italy
1866 Venice becomes part of Italy
1867 Garibaldi again unsuccessfully marches on Rome
1870 French troops under Napoleon III ousted from Rome by Prussia
1871 Rome becomes part of Italy
1871 Rome Capital of Italy
1848 Patriots rise up against Austrians, Bourbons and Pope
1852 Cavour becomes PM of Piedmont
1859 Second Italian War of Independence: French Sardinian victory over Austria. Sardinia annexes Lombardy, Tuscany and Emilia. France gains Nice and Savoy
1859 Battle of Magenta and Battle of Solferino: both French/Sardinian victories over Austria
1860 Garibaldi and the Thousand arrive in Sicily, subsequently conquering island
1860 Garibaldi occupies Naples
1860 Cavour annexes Papal States with Piemontese army
1861 Italy unified as Kingdom of Italy (apart from Venice and Rome)
1861 Cavour dies
1861 - 1865 - Turin Capital of Italy
1862 Garibaldi unsuccessfully marches on Rome
1865 - 1871 - Florence Capital of Italy
1866 Venice becomes part of Italy
1867 Garibaldi again unsuccessfully marches on Rome
1870 French troops under Napoleon III ousted from Rome by Prussia
1871 Rome becomes part of Italy
1871 Rome Capital of Italy
Colonial Expansion from 1880s Timeline
1886 Campaigns in Abyssinia and Eritrea
1912 Italy takes Dodecanese Islands and Libya from Turkey
1886 Campaigns in Abyssinia and Eritrea
1912 Italy takes Dodecanese Islands and Libya from Turkey
First World War - 1915 - 1919 Timeline
1915 Italy enters war on side of Britain, Russia and France
1918 Battle of Vittorio Veneto: Italy (plus Allies UK, France and US) defeat Austria - Hungary. Austro-Hungarian Empire collapses. World War 1 ends a week later
1919 Italy gains Trieste, Gorizia and Trentino Alto Adige/Sud Tirol in Treaty of Versailles
1915 Italy enters war on side of Britain, Russia and France
1918 Battle of Vittorio Veneto: Italy (plus Allies UK, France and US) defeat Austria - Hungary. Austro-Hungarian Empire collapses. World War 1 ends a week later
1919 Italy gains Trieste, Gorizia and Trentino Alto Adige/Sud Tirol in Treaty of Versailles
Fascist Italy: Mussolini - 1883 - 1945 Timeline
1919 Mussolini forms fascists
1919 Italy gains territory in Treaty of Versailles
1922 Mussolini forms fascist government
1925 Mussolini named dictator
1929 the Lateran Pact - Vatican now a state called the Holy See
1935 Italy invades Abyssinia
1936 Italy joins axis powers with Germany
1936 - 1939 Italy sides with Franco in Spanish Civil War
1940 Italy enters war o german side and invades greece
1943 Allies land in sicily
1943 Mussolini loses power and Italy declares war on Germany
1943 Mussolini sacked then reinstated by germans
1943 - 1945 Republic of Salo
1944 Allies liberate Rome
1945 Mussolini executed in Milan after being caught on Lake Como trying to escape to Switzerland
1919 Mussolini forms fascists
1919 Italy gains territory in Treaty of Versailles
1922 Mussolini forms fascist government
1925 Mussolini named dictator
1929 the Lateran Pact - Vatican now a state called the Holy See
1935 Italy invades Abyssinia
1936 Italy joins axis powers with Germany
1936 - 1939 Italy sides with Franco in Spanish Civil War
1940 Italy enters war o german side and invades greece
1943 Allies land in sicily
1943 Mussolini loses power and Italy declares war on Germany
1943 Mussolini sacked then reinstated by germans
1943 - 1945 Republic of Salo
1944 Allies liberate Rome
1945 Mussolini executed in Milan after being caught on Lake Como trying to escape to Switzerland
Second World War Timeline
1940 Italy enters war o german side and invades greece
1941 Italy invades Yugoslavia
1942 Heavy Italian losses on Russian front
1943 Allies land in sicily
1943 Mussolini loses power and Italy declares war on Germany
1943 Mussolini sacked then reinstated by germans
1943 - 1945 Republic of Salò
1944 Allies liberate Rome
1945 Mussolini executed in Milan after being caught on Lake Como trying to escape to Switzerland
1940 Italy enters war o german side and invades greece
1941 Italy invades Yugoslavia
1942 Heavy Italian losses on Russian front
1943 Allies land in sicily
1943 Mussolini loses power and Italy declares war on Germany
1943 Mussolini sacked then reinstated by germans
1943 - 1945 Republic of Salò
1944 Allies liberate Rome
1945 Mussolini executed in Milan after being caught on Lake Como trying to escape to Switzerland
Post-War Timeline
1946 Italy becomes a republic
1946 Women given right to vote
1955 Italy joins UN
1958 Italy becomes a founder member of the EEC
1958 - 1963 Economic boom
1960 Summer Olympics in Rome
1969 autunno caldo of strikes and demonstrations
1969 Milan bomb
1970's Economic decline
1974 Brescia bomb
1978 Aldo Moro Assassination
1980 Bologna bomb
1992 Anti-Mafia judges Falcone and Borsellino murdered
1994 - 1995 Berlusconi President
2001 - 2006 Berlusconi President
2002 Euro becomes official currency
2008 - 2011 Berlusconi President
2009 L'Aquila earthquake kills 300 people
1946 Italy becomes a republic
1946 Women given right to vote
1955 Italy joins UN
1958 Italy becomes a founder member of the EEC
1958 - 1963 Economic boom
1960 Summer Olympics in Rome
1969 autunno caldo of strikes and demonstrations
1969 Milan bomb
1970's Economic decline
1974 Brescia bomb
1978 Aldo Moro Assassination
1980 Bologna bomb
1992 Anti-Mafia judges Falcone and Borsellino murdered
1994 - 1995 Berlusconi President
2001 - 2006 Berlusconi President
2002 Euro becomes official currency
2008 - 2011 Berlusconi President
2009 L'Aquila earthquake kills 300 people
Important Phases of Italian History
Empires, Kingdoms, Republics, Duchies and City States
Kingdom of Italy/Germanic Tribes: From 476 AD to 535 AD
476 Battle of Ravenna
476 Odoacer proclaims himself king of rome
476 to 493 Odoacer rules (Kingdom of Italy)
488 Ostrogoths led by Theodoric take over Italy
493 Thoedoric kills Odoacer
493 to 553 Ostrogothic Kingdom of Italy
493 to 540 Ravenna Capital
493 to 526 Theodoric the great Rules
526 Theodoric dies
526 to 535 dynastic disputes and eventual fall to Justinian
476 Battle of Ravenna
476 Odoacer proclaims himself king of rome
476 to 493 Odoacer rules (Kingdom of Italy)
488 Ostrogoths led by Theodoric take over Italy
493 Thoedoric kills Odoacer
493 to 553 Ostrogothic Kingdom of Italy
493 to 540 Ravenna Capital
493 to 526 Theodoric the great Rules
526 Theodoric dies
526 to 535 dynastic disputes and eventual fall to Justinian
Justinian and the Byzantine Empire/The Gothic War: 535 to 554
535 Justinian begins reconquest of Italy for Eastern Roman Empire
540 Fall of Ravenna into hands of Byzantines
541 to 551 Gothic revival
551 to 554 Byzantine reconquest
535 Justinian begins reconquest of Italy for Eastern Roman Empire
540 Fall of Ravenna into hands of Byzantines
541 to 551 Gothic revival
551 to 554 Byzantine reconquest
Duchy of Rome (controlled by Byzantines): 536 to 756
536 founded by Justinian
751 Papal States founded
536 founded by Justinian
751 Papal States founded
Kingdom of the Lombards: 568 - 774
Eastern empire cut off from Italy after other tribes conquer balkans
568 Lombards invade and conquer northern italy. Ravenna, Rome and southern italy left in hands of Eastern Roman Empire
570 Duchy of Spoleto founded as part of the Lombard Kingdom
571 Duchy of Benevento founded (date disputed). Ruled by Lombards until 1077
572 Pavia becomes capital of the Lombard Kingdom
751 Lombard leader Aistufl conquers much of Italy
773 Franks led by Charlemagne defeat Lombards
Eastern empire cut off from Italy after other tribes conquer balkans
568 Lombards invade and conquer northern italy. Ravenna, Rome and southern italy left in hands of Eastern Roman Empire
570 Duchy of Spoleto founded as part of the Lombard Kingdom
571 Duchy of Benevento founded (date disputed). Ruled by Lombards until 1077
572 Pavia becomes capital of the Lombard Kingdom
751 Lombard leader Aistufl conquers much of Italy
773 Franks led by Charlemagne defeat Lombards
Papal states: From 754 to 1870 (Lazio, Marche, Umbria, Emilia Romagna)
754 Pepin defeats Lombards and creates Papal states
756 Donation of Pepin - (Gift of Ravenna to the Pope)
773 Franks led by Charlemagne defeat Lombards
1125 - 1186 Wars of the Guelphs and Ghibellines
1216 - 1392 Wars of the Guelphs and Ghibellines
1266 Battle of Benevento
1377 Papacy returns to Rome from France
754 Pepin defeats Lombards and creates Papal states
756 Donation of Pepin - (Gift of Ravenna to the Pope)
773 Franks led by Charlemagne defeat Lombards
1125 - 1186 Wars of the Guelphs and Ghibellines
1216 - 1392 Wars of the Guelphs and Ghibellines
1266 Battle of Benevento
1377 Papacy returns to Rome from France
Carolingian Empire: 800 - 888
Holy Roman Empire: from 800 to 1806
Kingdom of Italy, part of the Holy Roman Empire
800 Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor in St Peter's, Rome
962 Otto I Crowned holy roman empire
1054 Great Schism
1125 - 1186 Wars of the Guelphs and Ghibellines
1155 - 1190 Frederick I Barbarossa Holy Roman Emperor
1167 Battle of Monteporzio: Commune of Rome defeated by Holy Roman Empire (Frederick I Barbarossa)
1176 Battle of Legnano (Lombard League defeats Hohenstaufen Holy Roman Empire)
1190 Frederick I Barbarossa dies in third crusade
1216 - 1392 Wars of the Guelphs and Ghibellines
1220 - 1250 Frederick II Holy Roman Emperor
1452 - Frederick III Crowned Holy Roman Emperor
1519 - 1556 Charles V Holy Roman Emperor
1527 The Landsknechts (imperial troops of Charles V Borbon Holy Roman Emperor) sack Rome.
Kingdom of Italy, part of the Holy Roman Empire
800 Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor in St Peter's, Rome
962 Otto I Crowned holy roman empire
1054 Great Schism
1125 - 1186 Wars of the Guelphs and Ghibellines
1155 - 1190 Frederick I Barbarossa Holy Roman Emperor
1167 Battle of Monteporzio: Commune of Rome defeated by Holy Roman Empire (Frederick I Barbarossa)
1176 Battle of Legnano (Lombard League defeats Hohenstaufen Holy Roman Empire)
1190 Frederick I Barbarossa dies in third crusade
1216 - 1392 Wars of the Guelphs and Ghibellines
1220 - 1250 Frederick II Holy Roman Emperor
1452 - Frederick III Crowned Holy Roman Emperor
1519 - 1556 Charles V Holy Roman Emperor
1527 The Landsknechts (imperial troops of Charles V Borbon Holy Roman Emperor) sack Rome.
Republic of Florence: 1115 to 1532
1321 Dante writes the divine comedy
1348 black death, Florence badly hit
1397 - 1499 Medici Bank
1434 - 1464 Cosimo de Medici Lord of Florence
1454 - 1512 Amerigo Vespucci
1469 - 1527 Niccolo Machiavelli
Da Vinci
Fra Angelico
Filippo Lippi
1321 Dante writes the divine comedy
1348 black death, Florence badly hit
1397 - 1499 Medici Bank
1434 - 1464 Cosimo de Medici Lord of Florence
1454 - 1512 Amerigo Vespucci
1469 - 1527 Niccolo Machiavelli
Da Vinci
Fra Angelico
Filippo Lippi
Venetian Republic - Stato da Mar from 1000 to 1797
Giustiniani family
1202 - 1203 Venice leads 4th crusade to holy land. Stops to conquer Constantinople first
1271 Marco Polo 24 year expedition to central asia
1380 Venice defeats Genoa in Battle of Chioggia
Giustiniani family
1202 - 1203 Venice leads 4th crusade to holy land. Stops to conquer Constantinople first
1271 Marco Polo 24 year expedition to central asia
1380 Venice defeats Genoa in Battle of Chioggia
Republic of Pisa: 1000 - 1406
Republic of Genoa - 11th century to 1797
Giustiniani family
1380 Venice defeats Genoa in Battle of Chioggia
1451 - 1506 Christopher Colombus
Giustiniani family
1380 Venice defeats Genoa in Battle of Chioggia
1451 - 1506 Christopher Colombus
Italian City States: from around 12th-14th c - by 1300 there were around 300 city states
Milan - Sforza, Visconti
Florence - Medici
Mantua - Gonzagas
Kingdom of Naples
Kingdom of Sicily
Maritime Republics
Milan - Sforza, Visconti
Florence - Medici
Mantua - Gonzagas
Kingdom of Naples
Kingdom of Sicily
Maritime Republics
Kingdom of Naples: from 1282 to 1816
1282 Kingdom of Naples founded after Sicilian Vespers
1559 Naples comes under Spanish rule
1806 - Napoleon takes Kingdom of Naples
1282 Kingdom of Naples founded after Sicilian Vespers
1559 Naples comes under Spanish rule
1806 - Napoleon takes Kingdom of Naples
Kingdom of Sardinia 1324 - 1861
1559 Sardinia comes under Spanish rule
1559 Sardinia comes under Spanish rule
Duchy of Milan: 1395 - 1447 then 1450 - 1796
1277 - 1447 Visconti rule
1359 Duchy of Milan first established - one of four most important city states (others were Genoa, Venice and Florence)
1411 House of Sforza established
1559 Duchy of Milan comes under Spanish rule
1277 - 1447 Visconti rule
1359 Duchy of Milan first established - one of four most important city states (others were Genoa, Venice and Florence)
1411 House of Sforza established
1559 Duchy of Milan comes under Spanish rule
Duchy of Savoy: 1416 - 1847
Duchy of Parma: 1545 - 1859
Grand Duchy of Tuscany: 1569 - 1859
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies: 1816 - 1861
1816 Kingdom of the Two Sicilies founded
1816 Kingdom of the Two Sicilies founded
History of Sicily Timeline
Sicily: from 8th C BC
736 BC Syracuse founded
902 Arab Sicily from 902 for for 200? years
1061 Norman conquest of Sicily
1071 to 1130 County of Sicily
1071 to 1101 Roger I Count of Sicily
1130 - 1816 Kingdom of Sicily
1130 - 1282 (Norman) Kingdom of Sicily
1130 - 1154 (Norman) Roger II crowned king of sicily
1198 Federico II (Holy Roman Empire) King of Sicily
1266 Charles of Anjou King of Sicily
1282 Sicilian Vespers
1282? Peter iii of Aragon king of sicily?
1735 Charles of Bourbon crowned King of Sicily
1559 Sicily comes under Spanish rule
1693 earthquake
19th century: Mafia develops
1860 Garibaldi and the Thousand arrive in Sicily, subsequently conquering island
1816 Kingdom of the Two Sicilies founded
1918 Messina earthquake
1943 Allies land in sicily
736 BC Syracuse founded
902 Arab Sicily from 902 for for 200? years
1061 Norman conquest of Sicily
1071 to 1130 County of Sicily
1071 to 1101 Roger I Count of Sicily
1130 - 1816 Kingdom of Sicily
1130 - 1282 (Norman) Kingdom of Sicily
1130 - 1154 (Norman) Roger II crowned king of sicily
1198 Federico II (Holy Roman Empire) King of Sicily
1266 Charles of Anjou King of Sicily
1282 Sicilian Vespers
1282? Peter iii of Aragon king of sicily?
1735 Charles of Bourbon crowned King of Sicily
1559 Sicily comes under Spanish rule
1693 earthquake
19th century: Mafia develops
1860 Garibaldi and the Thousand arrive in Sicily, subsequently conquering island
1816 Kingdom of the Two Sicilies founded
1918 Messina earthquake
1943 Allies land in sicily
Grand Tour: From 1660 to 1840's - Discovery of Renaissance culture and classical architecture
Mount Vesuvius
Mount Vesuvius
Famous Italians and Noble Families - Timeline
1377 - 1446 - Filippo Brunelleschi
1508 - 1580 - Andrea Palladio
1598 - 1680 - Gian Lorenzo Bernini
1377 - 1446 - Filippo Brunelleschi
1508 - 1580 - Andrea Palladio
1598 - 1680 - Gian Lorenzo Bernini
1452 - 1519 Leonardo da Vinci
1475 - 1564 Michelangelo (Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarotti Simoni)
1483 - 1520 Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio di Urbino)
1452 - 1519 Leonardo da Vinci
1475 - 1564 Michelangelo (Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarotti Simoni)
1483 - 1520 Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio di Urbino)
Scientists, Engineers and Inventors
1564 - 1642 Galileo Galilei
1745 - 1827 Alessandro Volta (Como)
1874 - 1937 Guglielmo Marconi (Bologna)
1564 - 1642 Galileo Galilei
1745 - 1827 Alessandro Volta (Como)
1874 - 1937 Guglielmo Marconi (Bologna)
Noble families
1097 Este family established
1098 Piccolomini family founded (Siena)
1238 Borghese family established
1097 Este family established
1098 Piccolomini family founded (Siena)
1238 Borghese family established
1073 - 1085 Gregory VII - Hildebrand of Sovana
1621 - 1623 Gregory XV
1073 - 1085 Gregory VII - Hildebrand of Sovana
1621 - 1623 Gregory XV
Rulers and leaders
1122 - 1190 Frederick I Barbarossa (German) - Holy Roman Emperor
1194 - 1250 Frederick II Holy Roman Emperor Stupor Mondi
1449 - 1492 Lorenzo de' Medici (Lorenzo the Magnificent)
1807 - 1882 Giuseppe Garibaldi
1122 - 1190 Frederick I Barbarossa (German) - Holy Roman Emperor
1194 - 1250 Frederick II Holy Roman Emperor Stupor Mondi
1449 - 1492 Lorenzo de' Medici (Lorenzo the Magnificent)
1807 - 1882 Giuseppe Garibaldi
1265 - 1321 Dante
1304 - 1374 Petrarch
1313 - 1375 Boccaccio
1265 - 1321 Dante
1304 - 1374 Petrarch
1313 - 1375 Boccaccio